Sunday, January 18, 2009


Yesterday was fun. It was Kristian's 18th birthday, so we went out to the mall and whatnot. She was supposed to go get her tattoo, but those plans didn't fall through like they were supposed to, so she had to postpone those for later this month. I wish we could have gone though. I've never seen somebody get tattooed before, and it might have been nice to take pictures of it. Her tattoo artist is a beast too, not to mention she's really pretty, AND paid. If you seen her on the streets, you would never think that she did tattoos. Oh, and Jay would love this, she has a MILLION kicks, I'm talking like a Nike Fanatic! But yea, she's the ultimate beast. It would have been nice to get pictures of her in action. Ugh, I'll touch on that in a minute.

But back to Kristian and her birthday. Despite the fact we had her dad toting us around, it was fun. We went to see that My Bloody Valentine 3D movie, which WASN'T in 3D, btw. What type of 3D advertised movie, isn't in 3D? That's just Fairlane's asses being cheap because they didn't want to hand out 3D glassess. It would have been sooo much better if it was in 3D. :( Oh well. It was kind of scary. Lmao, the naked chick was hilarious. She was running around the movie butt ass naked for about and good 15 minutes. That was fun to laugh at. Hmm.. wonder if she got paid more for that?

After the movies and mall, we went to Fuddruckers and ate. That was fun too. The Julian came up there, and I saw him for abooout... 10 seconds because after that, Kristian's dad pulled up outside. Me and Him are having.. how do you call, kind of discrete underlying issues? The last two times I've seen him, I don't know - he ends up irritating me. I think it's because we haven't been alone with each other in a while. The last few times we've been out, it's been Me, him, and a bunch of other niggas. He claims he's going to pick me up today, but eh, I don't know. Maybe I'll feel better after me & him just hang out.

Jay's photoshoot was cancelled. :( I'm really bummed about that one. I wish the weather wasn't so ugly lately! Oh my gosh! It snowed ALL day yesterday, non-stop. I am absolutely sick of the snow. Can spring and summer hurry up so all of this yucky snow can go away!? We'll do it eventually. I guess it's one of those things we just don't have any control over. Maybe some time this weekend, hopefully.

I need to get out more too, lol. Not in a, "get out more to party" way, but a get out more to take pictures way. After yesterday, and seeing so many photo opportunities, I've realized the only way to get the most out of this thing, is to go places. I can't base my photo-life off of pictures from school, and my house. I need to go other places, different cities, different people! I need a car, damnit! UGH! Rant rant rant!

I guess that's enough blogging for now. I've updated my Flickr, but it's only one picture. =\ I'm not saving anymore pictures to my laptop until I get a new external harddrive. Maybe I'll force Julian to take me to Micro Center today. Hmm.. sounds like a plan. Yes, definitely.


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