Tuesday, March 10, 2009

- wipes dust

Long time no blog guys? Yea, pretty much! How have you guys been? I wish I didn't wait so long before I blogged again - it's been so much going on in my life I don't even know where to begin! I'm not even sure who still comes here anymore since I haven't been updating like I used to. Life has been so crazy these last few months..

So, in case you're wondering, I'm still in a relationship.. ahem. Yea, lol. Due to a lack of maturity we're not speaking at the moment.. real adult right? If I told you the reason, you'd look at the screen like =| . To sum it up, he's upset that I don't answer the phone every single time he calls, so I guess he figures "since I can't answer the phone" when he calls, he's not going to call. WHATEVER, lol. I'm not worried about it. I think it's more to it than that, but like I said, I'm not worried about it.

MAN, time is winding down!! I'll be out of high school before I know it! I remember blogging about a year ago this time talking about how much I couldn't wait until my senior year, and I'm here on my way to college soon. There are only about 2 months left, and It's still hard to believe. If I said I wasn't a little scared to grow up, I'd be lying. There's something about getting older and being on your own that makes me a little nervous. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be getting older, and moving on in my life to better things, but change can be hard sometimes. What is it going to be like? Am I going to make it? What type of hardships will I have to go through on my way? Ugh, even thinking about it gives me a headache. Moving on..

I finally got a chance to do Jay's Photoshoot. Twan was there too. We had fun, despite the fact that a lot of the time it was raining outside. I love those guys. :) They're fun to be around, and fun to shoot. We might do another shoot tomorrow, but I'm not completely sure yet. If you want to see some of them, hit the flickr link on the side of the page. :) I really do need a pro account, though - so if anyone want to buy me one, let me know! - wink wink.

I think this is all I'll blog about for right now - since I'm on the phone I can't really concentrate, lol. I'll hit you with a little something something more later, kay?

peeace. <3


Adina Renée. said...

hey stranger. <3

Chmy said...

Hey mama!
Yess.. I'm back, finally.
I'll try not to wait so long next time.


Minx GlamourModel said...

i want a photoshoot !.

xoxo .

Tee Vee said...

I've been waiting quite patiently for an update, actually, ma'am!

Chmy said...

Anytime Minx!
And I'm trying to make sure that wait never happens again, lol.

daphne bee. said...


Twan said...

woot woot love you too