Saturday, October 11, 2008

role plaaay.

+Tonight was perfect.
+This feels so right.
-I'm feeling extremely vulnerable.
+This was by far the most romantic night I've ever had.
-My uncle caught us in the car kissing
+I convinced him that we weren't
+My mom likes him
-I lost at bowling, again.
+We look so good together

+/- He seems too good to be true.



mars ™ said...

The hair in that picture up there...niiiiceeee ;]

T.I. has a song called Porn Star!?

Your uncle has to be old for him to believe you and your convincing.
I hope it's not too good to be true, though.

Chmy said...

Thaaank you.

& yes! It's on his Paper Trail album.
My uncle's not even that old! He's like 50... he's just slow.