So much has happened since I last blogged it's crazy. I don't even know where to start.. so I'm not, lol. Really though, it's entirely too much to try and type. Maybe If I list it, it'll be shorter. Okay, here we go:
1. My boots came in from Nordstroms
2. Fats & I are on better terms
3. Fats & I are no longer "Fat's & I"
4. My mother told Markus she wants him to take me to my prom
5. Darius somehow snuck back in my life
6. Darius continues to drive me insane because of his stupid ways
7. Darius has a baby girl due on the 31st
8. My brother is in town for a week
9. Our family picnic was Saturday
10. I drunk my first Miller light last night
11. I turned 17.
12. Bryan canceled the pool party an hour before
& after all of that I'm still single. What a week, huh? Crazy Madness is what it really is. If I was to go in depth of all that, my fingers would fall off - so I'm not. But yea, it's pretty crazy. I'm soooo supposed to be washing the dishes right now, eh, they can wait. I'm so tired it's insane. I really should be trying to go to sleep, but I don't feel like it. I know, I'm weird - you don't have to tell me.
I'm still waiting on that feeling ladies & gentlemen. So far, people have been failing - miserably. I don't know if it's because I need to move, or if it's just I attract the wrong kind of guys, but I need a sign or something. I do not understand it for the life of me. It seems like every dude who tries & talks to me has either a girlfriend, or a chick on the side. I'm like wtf? Can I meet an attractive guy, without him being a nigga? UGH, it's mad frustrating. It makes me less & less interested in being in a relationship. It's always the one's I want, I can't have because of another factor. People are lucky I have morals, & I'm not the kind of girl to steal a boyfriend- because I PROMISE you, I would be very set right now. I try to keep your little hearts in consideration because I know how it feels to be played.. but man oh man.. ugh. Let me drop it before I get angry.
It's been cold the past dew days. I hope this isn't a sign of Fall trying to sneak up on us. I need to enjoy as many hot days as the end of the summer has to offer. Oh, that reminds me. I took my cap and gown pictures for the yearbook last week. Man, it was too surreal. I'm like "Man, this is how I'm going to be looking when I walk that stage.." It was crazy. It's finally here, & I'm too ready. Everyday I get one step closer to college. Yay me. :) lol.
I guess that's all I really want to blog about. I might come back later - who knows.
I guess that's all I really want to blog about. I might come back later - who knows.
a bientout.
(me likey teh layout.)
& whyy are we going through the same thing boywise ?! Attracting big pieces of FAIL .
It shouldn`t be that hard to find someone compatible who`s attractive at the same time (and being attractive is a damn must, lmao) .
wham-bam .
thaaaaaaank you key.
I know right!?
UGH, I get soooo frustrated it's retarded. I don't know what's wrong with niggas these days, they're freaking pathetic.
plain & simple is always good.
& i want fall to come, it's my favorite season.
Niggas = FAIL.
It's hard not to get frustrated (been there, done that, dated a nigga) but yours will come! Until then, fuck them and just eat eat eat and wear buffies. :)
LOL. Also, just a forewarning: Niggas say 'hey ma'/'AYEEEEEEEEEEEEE' and not 'Hello'. And they get mad when you don't say 'hi' back.
Thanks Adina. & fall is nice because it's pretty - but up here it gets cold as nuts, lol.
Eat & wear buffies, huh Khloe? Lol!
Sounds like a plan. & did something happen nigga? Lol, you mad?
i want erykah badu in bed.
-scrolls down to add comment-
-scrolls back up-
take off this word verification shit, noob.
Erykah Badu is a pretty bad bitch. I can understand why.
Lol, I was a little upset because halfway through typing I lost my train of thought.
& Yes, the layout is nice. Simple and nice. Erykah Badu is Grade A tap-material, no coco.
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